Regulations of NBC


Document File Type
Statute (31.05.2024 v5.02)
Rules of procedure (02.09.2023)
Financial and Travelling Expenses Rules (01.07.2024 - v5.06)
Rules of law and proceedings (31.05.2024 v2.01)
Honour Regulations (19.06.2021 - v2)


Document File Type
International Sport Regulations of the NBC (01.07.2024 - v5.08)
IR World Championships (01.07.2024 v5.06)
IR European Championship (01.07.2024 v1.03)
IR Club Teams cup Competitions (01.07.2023 v1.04)
IR Champions League (01.07.2024 v4.06)
IR International matches (01.07.2016)
IR World Ranking list - World Records (01.07.2024 v4)
IR Events – Award - Organization (01.07.2024 v 3.0)


Document File Type
International referee regulations of the NBC (01.07.2024)
Training and advanced training regulations for international referees
Curriculum A (training to become an international referee)

Regulations of WNBA

Document File Type
Statutes WNBA
International Sport Rules (including Referee)
Honour Regulations
Financial and Travelling Expenses Rules
Rules of Procedure
Rules of Law and Proceeding
Technical Regulations
List of Approved Technical Equipment
Application Approval of Advertising


Document File Type
World Bowling Anti-Doping Rules
Appendix 3: Consent Form